Today is 777, means 07-07-2007, a precious day of our generation. There will be more 5 years to to see such days till 2012........ and then we, our 10th of generations, will never see them for 994 years ..... ,,,,,,,,,,, take a moment to look forward, and you'll find how precious we are and the time we are living............. who knows what happens the next......??????
Most of our generation are entangled within the fightings either in the name of religion, race, money or power. It is our BAD LUCK that we know everything but still ignore them. We stupid, never knew how precious days we are living...................!!!!!
Upcoming precious days:
08-08-2008 (888)
09-09-2009 (999)
10-10-2010 (101010)
11-11-2011n (111111)
12-12-2012 (121212)
Don't you think how precious they are? Such days will come once in 1,000 years.
Wish you good luck and Lucky Day !!!!